SHRI HARISHSINHJI KARAMSINHJI THAKORE known as 'H.K.THAKORE  SAHEB" in judiciary, bar, advocates, the class of learned & intellectual people and kshtriya samaj  is born on pious and festival day of 'MAKARSANKRANTI" i.e., on 14th January 1949 at Ahmedabad [state of Gujarat].

I completed my education in Ahmadabad and obtained a Degree In Commerce in 1972, Law Degrees in 1974 & 1975 respectively. I got enrolled as an Advocate in THE BAR COUNCIL OF GUJARAT, Ahmadabad. I started my carrier as an Advocate in Ahmadabad and appeared in different Courts including the Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat. Within short period of practice was selected in GUJARAT   STATE JUDICIARY and was posted  as The Civil Judge Junior Division and Judicial Magistrate First Class at Bhavnagar on 16th June 1980 was my first day in Judiciary.  I was the first Fast Track Judge in Gujarat, I resumed my duty as the first Fast Track Judge at Rajkot on 26th January 2001. I was the First Principal District  Judge & Sessions Judge from entire North  Gujarat  Region and from all the Communities, the parson none of the Communities / Castes of North  Gujarat  culminated to the post of the Principal District  Judge & Sessions Judge prior to me .

 As the appellate Judge, I have delivered remarkable Judgments on Civil as well as Criminal Site such as Murder Case on circumstances evidence, Murder Case where in all witnesses accept doctor and Investigation Office were turned hostile, NDPS Cases, ACB Cases and Rap Cases which have been upheld by the Hon'ble Gujarat High Court as well as Hon'ble Supreme Court of India. In entire Judiciary I was first Sessions Judge who have passed sentence of Life imprisonment convicting the accused who had committed Rape of female child, prior to this no accused was convicted Life imprisonment for committing the offense of Rape.

I also served as The Joint Secretary to the Government of Gujarat, Legal Department ,Gandhinagar nearly for the period of one and half years.
I was the First Principal District  Judge & Sessions Judge of newly created "NARMADA" district and I laid  founding ceremonial stone of a new District Court  Building at "RAJPIPALA" with the Honorable Chief Justice Shri BhavaniSingh( High Court of Gujarat) , Honorable Law Minister Shri Ashok Bhatt, (State of Gujarat),  erthwhile ruler of Rajpipla State H.H. Maharani Rukamanideveji, Honourable Justice. Mr. Justice  B.J.SETHNA, Honourable Justice. Mr. Justice  C. K. BUCH,  Honourable Justice. Mr. Justice A.M.KAPADIA,  Mrs. Belaben Trivedi , Secretary ( Legal Department of Government of Guajrat)  and other Judges as well as dignitaries. Here in Rajpipala District though I served for short period I was Honored, Admired and Respected from all the corners of the Society, the Bar, Staff Members  and people appreciated my services/works.

I rendered my services as the Principal District Judge & Sessions Judge, PATAN since may 2006 to till I retired at the age of superannuation. On reaching superannuation age i.e completing 60 years of age, I was retired after office hour on 31th January 2009.

Even after retirement, considering my rendered services, abilities,competency, integrity, neutral & non controvercial approch towards down troden peoples, weaker sections of society the govenment of gujarat has re-employed as the President, Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum  for the period of five (5) years. I served as the President, Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum, JUNAGHDH from 29-10-2009 to 24-02-2011 and thereafter as the president of Banaskantha District 
Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum at Palanpur up to 31th January, 2014. Age of 65 years is the maximum age to serve as the President, Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum and therefore after reaching at age of 65 years I vacated the Office of the President of the Banaskanth District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum,Palanpur after Office hour of 13th January, 2014 and has stared the practice in the Hon'ble High Court of Gujarat at Ahmedabad as an Advocate.

 I, H.K.THAKORE is ' CHAUHAN '. Chauhan is one of the  36 [ROYAL] ruling races of the Rajputs. According to the BAROTS & CHARANS, the CHAUHAN is one of the four "AGNIKULA" or "FIRE SPRUNS" tribes who were created by the GODS in the Analikund or foundation of fire on Mount-Abu to fight against the Asura or Demans, such, CHAUHAN is "AGNIVANSHI" with 26 branches.

Today's Jalore was known as Suwarngiri or Songiri, the golden mount on which the fort stands. Fort at mountain Sawarngiri provided name the lineage of CHAUHAN as  " SONGARA CHAUHAN " .

The Raja Sonaji was the founder pf SONGARA clan. Shri Rao Kirtipal, the youngest son of Alhana ruler of Jalore line of CHAUHANS, he took the clan name SONGARA after the place. This Rao Shri  Kirtipal was the founder of Jalore in year 1181 and ancestor [ not founder of SONGARA clan] of the SONGARA CHAUHAN clan.

We proud of our CHAUHAN RAJPUT tribe-community of which Shri Raja Sonsji Shri Rao Kirtipal, Shri Rao Prithviraj Chauhan-III, Shri Rao Kanhad Dev and his Son Viram Dev were the founder, ancestors and rulers of Jalore, Mewar & other parts of RAJSTHAN. we have also proud of being Jeewant Kunvar - A Daughter of Rao Shri Akheraj who was the mother of MAHARANA PRATAP.

Place : Ahmedabad                                                                                     [ H.K.Thakore ]
Date: 10/01/2015

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